Thursday, November 11, 2010

On Your Mark, Get Set...Thanksgiving!

As Jamie and I were strolling through our weekly trip to Trader Joe's, it became clear to me that I am not really ready for Thanksgiving. The entire store was filled with Thanksgiving related food, displays and samples. (Just an FYI - the cornbread stuffing mix they were tasting today was really good. Not at all mushy. Jamie approved of their cranberry sauce, as well.)  This all seemed cute and fun until I noticed that half of the meat case was filled with turkeys. And I had the anxious realization that I have managed to order a turkey, but that's about it. I haven't quite determined what else I will cook.

The problem is that I can pretty much make the Thanksgiving basics without a huge amount of thought or effort. But my resolution this year has been to consciously step out of my cooking comfort zone and try some new recipes. What better opportunity to put my money where my mouth is than a big, food filled holiday, right?

I will have to get on that plan soon. Like this week. I swear.

If anyone has good ideas for Thanksgiving recipes, I would love the help.  And if you, too, are looking for Thanksgiving inspiration, check out Mark Bittman's ideas for "101 Head Starts on the Day."


  1. You're ahead of me. Even though I already ordered our christmas cards, I haven't yet ordered our thanksgiving turkey...thanks for that reminder! have you ever tried a soup to start? I made a butternut squash and apple soup last year which went over well!

  2. You may not have a turkey yet, but you win the mom of the year award with that early card order. I was thinking about soup. Hmmm...I will have to look into that.
